Specialised coaching for talented young pianists

    Using her unique teaching approach, Marijke helps pianists grow into their best musical selve

    Does your child have the talent to become an inspired pianist?

    Some young piano players show more potential for the instrument than others. Musically and technically, they are a few steps ahead. They have no trouble concentrating and learn quickly. Recognising this potential and creating an environment to aid its realisation is difficult. Marijke has mastered this skill in order to give her pupils the best chances to develop their artistic skills.

    From potential to artist

    Talent is as fragile as it is rare. Not every talented child grows into the pianist they can be. In this regard, the teacher has an important role to play.
    • High expectations and too much pressure can lead to stress and fear of failure 
    • The inability to recognise the individuality of a student can accidentally destroy their motivation, potential and creativity 
    • On the other hand, guidance that does not challenge, stimulate or motivate the student leads to boredom and a standstill
    • Respect, empathy and balance between challenge and motivation are at the core of Marijke’s teaching approach.

    Six secrets to good teaching

    • Development of one’s musical personality and artistic flair: Every child lives in their own world and has their own character and sensibilities. With great respect for every student’s personality, Marijke stimulates their imagination, teaches them to trust their intuition, and inspires them to keep exploring their musical self. 
    • Teaching effective practice habits: Knowing how to study the right way is fundamental to progressing quickly. Marijke guides her pupils into mastering new pieces quickly and memorising them, expanding their repertoire with playful ease, all while maintaining proper balance between concentration and relaxation and between discipline and playfulness.
    • Mental training: A great artist trusts their own ideas and has the courage to show their inner self. That requires guts and confidence. Marijke helps her students overcome their insecurities, stress and fear of failure so that the music can flow freely from their fingers. 
    • Becoming physically aware: Awareness and control are essential to developing a solid playing technique. Marijke helps her pupils discover the way the human body and the instrument work together when making music and expressing emotion. Her lessons are a laboratory where her students can safely experiment, explore their limits and learn to take risks. 
    • Acquiring stage experience: Pianists are often completely alone on stage. To offer the audience the gift of their music, pianists must handle the pressure of playing in front of other people while maintaining the inner peace from which the music flows. Marijke’s curriculum focuses on acquiring as much stage experience as possible. Informal house concerts prepare students for prestigious competitions.
    • Learning to listen: When making music, the heart and ears are even more important than the fingers. Marijke makes her pupils consciously listen to their own playing… and that of others. A few times a year she also organises concert trips to give her pupils the chance to get to know famous musicians and learn from them. 

    Getting results

    The results of Marijke’s approach speak for themselves. Students of her Talent Class systematically score higher at both national and international competitions. Marijke’s pupils stand out with their consistent and extraordinary performances, as is evident from the many prizes, recordings and press articles.

    What to expect?

    Students of the Talent Class benefit from:
    • A weekly measure of a thoroughly thought-out personalised program, adapted repertoire and coaching 
    • Performing at house concerts (at least six times a year), pushing their limits and overcoming stage fright
    • Preparing for competitions for those who seek an extra challenge
    • Developing courage and confidence and gaining stage experience 
    • Concert trips
    • Learning to listen and explore, stimulating curiosity and growing as a musician.

    Want to know more?

    Would you like an introductory chat? Make an appointment for a play & greet. Come for a try-out session and a chat, and together we will decide whether Marijke’s approach is the best for you. 

    Personalised coaching for experienced pianists

    Whether you are advanced or a beginner, it is always rewarding to try your best. That is why Marijke, alongside her Talent Class, also gives private lessons to motivated pianists who want to improve their skills.

    Pick up where you left off

    Many people start playing the piano with great enthusiasm as children but quit later on for all sorts of reasons, from lack of time to no longer having access to a teacher. But the abandoned piano seems to keep calling their name. Making music is just so rewarding.
    Sounds familiar? Then it is high time you pick up where you left off.

    Private lessons for motivated students

    Marijke Oers is like no other when it comes to rekindling your passion for the piano. She does this by working on different aspects:

    • (Re)discovering your individuality and love for music: Marijke stimulates your musical imagination by using images, movement and comparisons, which helps you tap into your creative power. Nobody understands the art of communicating with the student better than Marijke. Her unique approach lets her adapt to each student’s personality and their perception of the world.
    • Learning through play: Fun and instruction go hand in hand. Marijke teaches you how to overcome obstacles step by step, by working on musicality, technique and method. For studying a lot is by no means the same as studying efficiently. Marijke will show you the difference and help you improve your finger dexterity, accuracy, musicality and repertoire in a short period of time.
    • (Re)gaining confidence: It takes guts to really make music! You need the courage to open up and show yourself. Marijke will help you become more confident and deal with stress and stage fright. When you remain centred, your performance will be even more convincing and touching.
    • Fine motor skills: A beautiful sound is made not only with the fingers but with your whole body. You need to sense what your body is trying to say. Being aware of its most minute nuances will help you gain control and master your sound. Marijke creates a safe space for playful experimentation, leading to gradual improvement.

    The results

    Thanks to Marijke’s broad experience as a teacher, she can immediately pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. You will not be given a set program. Instead, Marijke will take into account your individual level, preferences and wishes. That is what makes her private lessons both effective and fun.

    Want to know more?

    Would you like an introductory chat? Make an appointment for a play & greet. Come for a try-out session and a chat, and together we will decide whether Marijke’s approach is the best for you.

    Want to know more?

    Get in touch with Marijke.

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